Didn't sleep at all last night due to my cold, or the cold medicine...finally got up at 4:30 and did some work. Breakfast was a joke: white bread that had been dipped in an egg batter and then deep fried, served cold with no accompaniments or utensils. Hmmm.
Was to the teacher's room early, as I had run into Dora on Friday and she told me she would be out on Monday, and that she had let one of the assistant principals know, but that I might have to substitute. So, at 7:35 (first class 7:45) when there was no substitution list posted, and no other English teachers around, I successfully communicated to the asst princ who does the substitutions that "Nem Dora eskola ma" (No Dora school today.) Although he understood, still no list appeared and as the English teachers came in I was quizzed again and again as to what I knew.... long and short of it: I didn't have to substitute until the 7th period. So, I went back to the flat and laid down (still didn't sleep) until my first class, which didn't start until 9:35.
I also successfully did the cheek peck thing and wished everyone a "Boldog u e'vet" while those teachers learning English said Happy New Year.
Snow falling all day, and kids pretty wound up due to the snow and being the first day back. Was able to follow my lesson plan successfully in the first class. About knocked the kids sideways in the second class (they learned "You are pissing me off" and "Quit screwing around"- things that come out of my mouth when I have had no sleep), and had a successful third class. For the fourth class substitution, I was able to use one of the suggestions I found on the internet yesterday and kept the kids engaged and learning.
Istvan asked me if I would tutor a student from his 10E class once a week so she can take the English exam. Made me feel good as he is the head of the English Dept. and shows he has confidence in me. Will work with her on Mondays, 8th period. Need to confirm the other tutoring for the other student who asked before break if I could help her on Thursdays. Both of these will not be paid, as they are students here, but I will get my repayment through help with pronunciation of Hungarian!
The school day ended on a great note, with first a card from Mom and Dad, and then a box form Patty of things I had ordered and a book I had ordered from New Zealand! Yea!
Was actually able to nap for about an hour before I trudged through the snow to the store for the requisite big bottle of water and cereal, bread and yogurt so I can make my own breakfast tomorrow.
Tonight: No further classes, so organizing some of the work I did not get done this weekend, Hungarian number practice and email writing.
The new blog
11 years ago
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