Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Krakow - Ethnographic Museum

Ok, so on the afternoon of my last day in Krakow, I went to the Ethnographic Museum. Just wish I had been able to go there first before my feet were done in from the other museums and the walking. I loved it.

On the first floor were replicas of rural homes from the late 1800's - early 1900's with painting on the walls and ceilings and a lot of painted wooden furniture.

I could have spent a few more hours on the second floor. On display were folk costumes from all over the country's different regions with beautiful lace, embroidery, fabrics and do-dads. Then, each room featured a different aspect of rural life, one on hunting and gathering, one on the preparation of the food they hunted and gathered, another on the making of textiles and wools, another on musical instruments, then a series of rooms on celebrations, i.e., Christmas, Easter, etc. I just find seeing how people lived, worked and entertained themselves in past times to be so interesting. I was allowed to take pictures without flash and of course I took too many! They are posted here:

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