Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today's post is really Hanna's

Hanna is a CETP teacher from Colorado working in Budapest with grade school students. Her blog was too good not to share with everyone. And by good, I mean the highlighting of cultural differences.

(Mom, when you click on the link below, it will take you to her story. Right near the beginning of the story, the words, "reading it" are underlined. Click on this to go to the beginning of her story. You really must read this. )

(Thanks Hanna)


Unknown said...

Help I need to know the name of that hungarian nursey rhyme about the cow with no ears and no tail. Please email me at with the name

Margie said...

Since I am not sure who you are, I will just post the answer here. The nursery rhyme goes like this:
Boci, boci, tarka
Se fu"le, se farka,
Oda megyu"nk lakni,
Ahol tejet kapni!